
单机攻略      更新:2016-06-19

道具修改篇 (用G.M来修改) (by RAN)

区段 :5

位置 :5236869 xx(表示道具) 5236871 XX 5236873 XX.......... (依此类推)

5236870 YY(表示数量) 5236872 YY 5236874 YY.........(依此类推)

(注意:还有一种版本的内存地址是从 01CFE885 开始的,格式同上)


XX 01-0A 恢复道具

0B-11 治疗道具

12-20 战斗道具

21-23 住宿道具

24-27 G.F恢复道具

28-64 G.F能力道具

65-6C 弹药

6D-7E 材料道具

7F-8D 青魔法道具

8E-A1 相性道具

A2-A4 事件道具

A5-A8 特殊G.F道具

A9-B0 强化道具

B1-C6 杂志

Here is a complete list of decimal/hex values for the items in Final Fantasy 8. Make sure to change these values in memory only, the savegame files are partially compressed and will fail the CRC check if you modify them without figuring out how to decompress the file. Included is the value for the item type and amount of the first two inventory slots, from that you can see the pattern.

The magic slots are for the second (middle) character’s spell list. Just exchange spells with the other characters after adding them to your list.

Memory Location of 1st Item TYPE: 01CFD77C

Memory Location of 1st Item AMOUNT: 01CFD77D

Memory Location of 2nd Item TYPE: 01CFD77E

Memory Location of 2nd Item AMOUNT: 01CFD77F


Memory Location of 1st Magic TYPE: 01CFD0D8

Memory Location of 1st Magic AMOUNT: 01CFD0D9

Memory Location of 2nd Magic TYPE: 01CFD0DA

Memory Location of 2nd Magic AMOUNT: 01CFD0DB


Dec. Hex 物品 描述

1 01 Potion Restores HP by 200

2 02 Potion+ Restores HP by 400

3 03 Hi-Potion Restores HP by 1000

4 04 Hi-Potion+ Restores HP by 2000

5 05 X-Potion Fully restores HP

6 06 Mega Potion Restores HP by 1000 to all members

7 07 Phoenix Down Removes KO status

8 08 Mega Phoenix Removes KO status from all members

9 09 Elixir Fully restores abnormal status and HP

10 0A Megalixir Fully restores abnormal status and HP to all

11 0B Antidote Cures poison

12 0C Soft Cures petrify

13 0D Eye Drops Cures darkness

14 0E Echo Screen Cures silence

15 0F Holy Water Cures zombie, curse

16 10 Remedy Cures abnormal status

17 11 Remedy+ Cures abnormal status and Magic effects

18 12 Hero-trial Makes character invincible sometimes

19 13 Hero Makes character invincible

20 14 Holy War-trial Makes all party members invincible sometimes

21 15 Holy War Makes all party members invincible

22 16 Shell Stone Same as Shell

23 17 Protect Stone Same as Stone

24 18 Aura Stone Same as Aura

25 19 Death Stone Same as Death

26 1A Holy Stone Same as Holy

27 1B Flare Stone Same as Flare

28 1C Meteor Stone Same as Meteor

29 1D Ultima Stone Same as Ultima

30 1E Gysahl Greens Chocobo related. . . ?

31 1F Phoenix Pinion When used in battle. . .

32 20 Friendship When used in battle. . .

33 21 Tent Fully restores abnormal status and HP to all

34 22 Pet House Restores HP to all GF

35 23 Cottage Same effect as Tent plus restores all GF

36 24 G-Potion Restores 200 HP to GF

37 25 G-Hi-Potion Restores 1000 HP to GF

38 26 G-Mega-Potion Restores 1000 HP to all GF

39 27 G-Returner Revives GF from KO

40 28 Rename Card Changes GF's name

41 29 Amnesia Greens Makes GF forget an ability

42 2A HP-J Scroll GF learns HP-J ability

43 2B Str-J Scroll GF learns Str-J ability

44 2C Vit-J Scroll GF learns Vit-J ability

45 2D Mag-J Scroll GF learns Mag-J ability

46 2E Spr-J Scroll GF learns Spr-J ability

47 2F Spd-J Scroll GF learns Spd-J ability

48 30 Luck-J Scroll GF learns Luck-J ability

49 31 Aegis Amulet GF learns Eva-J ability

50 32 Elem Atk GF learns Elem-Atk-J ability

51 33 Elem Guard GF learns Elem-Defx4 ability

52 34 Status Atk GF learns ST-Atk-J ability

53 35 Status Guard GF learns ST-Defx4 ability

54 36 Rosetta Stone GF learns abiltyx4 ability

55 37 Magic Scroll GF learns Magic ability

56 38 GF Scroll GF learns GF ability

57 39 Draw Scroll GF learns Draw ability

58 3A Item Scroll GF learns Item ability

59 3B Gambler Spirit GF learns Card ability

60 3C Healing Ring GF learns Recover ability

61 3D Phoenix Spirit GF learns Revive ability

62 3E Med Kit GF learns Treatment ability

63 3F Bomb Spirit GF learns Kamikaze ability

64 40 Hungry Cookpot GF learns Devour ability

65 41 Mog's Amulet GF learns MiniMog ability

66 42 Steel Pipe GF learns SumMag+10% ability

67 43 Star Fragment GF learns SumMag+20% ability

68 44 Energy Crystal GF learns SumMag+30% ability

69 45 Samantha Soul GF learns SumMag+40% ability

70 46 Healing Mail GF learns GFHP+10% ability

71 47 Silver Mail GF learns GFHP+20% ability

72 48 Gold Armor GF learns GFHP+30% ability

73 49 Diamond Armor GF learns GFHP+40% ability

74 4A Regen Ring GF learns HP+20% ability

75 4B Giant's Ring GF learns HP+40% ability

76 4C Gaea's Ring GF learns HP+80% ability

77 4D Strength Love GF learns Str+20% ability

78 4E Power Wrist GF learns Str+40% ability

79 4F Hyper Wrist GF learns Str+60% ability

80 50 Turtle Shell GF learns Vit+20% ability

81 51 Orihalcon GF learns Vit+40% ability

82 52 Adamantine GF learns Vit+60% ability

83 53 Rune Armlet GF learns Spr+20% ability

84 54 Force Armlet GF learns Spr+40% ability

85 55 Magic Armlet GF learns Spr+60% ability

86 56 Circlet GF learns Mag+20% ability

87 57 Hypo Crown GF learns Mag+40% ability

88 58 Royal Crown GF learns Mag+60% ability

89 59 Jet Engine GF learns Spd+20% ability

90 5A Rocket Engine GF learns Spd+40% ability

91 5B Moon Curtain GF learns Auto-Shell ability

92 5C Steel Curtain GF learns Auto-Protect ability

93 5D Glow Curtain GF learns Auto-Reflect ability

94 5E Accelerator GF learns Auto-Haste ability

95 5F Monk's Code GF learns Counter ability

96 60 Knight's Code GF learns Cover ability

97 61 Doc's Code GF learns Med-Data ability

98 62 Hundred Needles GF learns Return Damage ability

99 63 Three Stars GF learns Expendx3-1 ability

100 64 Ribbon GF learns Ribbon ability

101 65 Normal Ammo Normal Ammo

102 66 Shotgun Ammo Ammo that attacks all opponents

103 67 Dark Ammo Ammo with status changing effect

104 68 Fire Ammo Ammo with Fire element

105 69 Demolition Ammo Ammo 3 times more powerful than Normal Ammo

106 6A Fast Ammo Ammo for rapid fire

107 6B AP Ammo Armor-piercing ammo

108 6C Pulse Ammo Ammo that contains powerful energy

109 6D M-Stone piece Stone with a little Magic power

110 6E Magic Stone Stone with Magic power

111 6F Wizard Stone Stone with strong Magic power

112 70 Ochu Tentacle Strong, flexible tentacle

113 71 Healing Water Water with life force

114 72 Cockatrice Pinion Feather with petrifying power

115 73 Zombie Powder Powder with Zombie effect

116 74 Lightweight Shoes to makes you light on your feet

117 75 Sharp Spike Long, sharp claw

118 76 Screw Used to remodel weapons

119 77 Saw Blade Serrated blade

120 78 Mesmerize Blade Long, sharp blade

121 79 Vampire Fang Fang that makes Vampire attack

122 7A Fury Fragment Stone that contains morale

123 7B Betrayal Sword Sword that betrays allies

124 7C Sleep Powder Induces sleep

125 7D Life Ring Ring with life force

126 7E Dragon fang Dragon's fang with recovery force

127 7F Spider Web Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Ultra Waves

128 80 Coral Fragment Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Electrocute

129 81 Curse Spike Quistis can learn Blue Magic, LV?Death

130 82 Blake Hole Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Degenerator

131 83 Water Crystal Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Aqua Breath

132 84 Missile Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Micro Missile

133 85 Mystery Fluid Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Acid

134 86 Running Fire Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Gatling Gun

135 87 Inferno Fang Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Fire Breath

136 88 Malboro Tentacle Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Bad Breath

137 89 Whisper Quistis can learn Blue Magic, White Wind

138 8A Laser Cannon Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Homing Laser

139 8B Barrier Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Mighty Guard

140 8C Power Generator Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Ray-Bomb

141 8D Dark Matter Quistis can learn Blue Magic, Shockwave Pulsar

142 8E Bomb Fragment Stone with Fire element

143 8F Red Fang Dragon's Fang with Fire element

144 90 Arctic Wind Contains Ice element wind

145 91 North Wind Contains strong Ice element wind

146 92 Dynamo Stone Stone with Thunder element

147 93 Shear Feather Bird's feather that flies on wind

148 94 Venom Fang Poisonous monster fang

149 95 Steel Orb Steel orb with gravitational power

150 96 Moon Stone Holy moon stone with monsters living inside

151 97 Dino Bone Large dinosaur bone

152 98 Windmill Windmill containing wind energy

153 99 Dragon Skin Durable dragon skin

154 9A Fish Fin Fish's fin

155 9B Dragon Fin Very hard dragon's scale

156 9C Silence Powder Powder containing Silence

157 9D Poison Powder Powder containing Poison

158 8E Dead Spirit Contains Death

159 8F Chef's Knife Tonberry's Knife

160 A0 Cactus Thorn Cactuar's thorn

161 A1 Shaman Stone Stone with mystical power

162 A2 Fuel Fuel for a rental car

163 A3 Girl Next Door Naughty Magazine

164 A4 Sorceress' Letter Edea's introduction letter

165 A5 Chocobo's Tag Change's Chocobo's name

166 A6 Pet's Nametag Change's pet's name

167 A7 Solomon Ring Mysterious old ring

168 A8 Magical Lamp You should Save you game before using it!

169 A9 HP Up Raises HP

170 AA Str Up Raises Strength

171 AB Vit Up Raises Vitality

172 AC Mag Up Raises Magic

173 AD Spr Up Raises Spirit

174 AE Spd Up Raises Speed

175 AF Luck Up Raises Luck

176 B0 LuvLuvG Raises compatibility with all GF

177 B1 Weapons Mon 1st Weapons research Magazine

178 B2 Weapons Mon Mar Weapons research Magazine

179 B3 Weapons Mon Apr Weapons research Magazine

180 B4 Weapons Mon May Weapons research Magazine

181 B5 Weapons Mon Jun Weapons research Magazine

182 B6 Weapons Mon Jul Weapons research Magazine

183 B7 Weapons Mon Aug Weapons research Magazine

184 B8 Combat King 001 Magazine for fighters

185 B9 Combat King 002 Magazine for fighters

186 BA Combat King 003 Magazine for fighters

187 BB Combat King 004 Magazine for fighters

188 BC Combat King 005 Magazine for fighters

189 BD Pet Pals Vol.1 Magazine for dog lovers

190 BE Pet Pals Vol.2 Magazine for dog lovers

191 BF Pet Pals Vol.3 Magazine for dog lovers

192 C0 Pet Pals Vol.4 Magazine for dog lovers

193 C1 Pet Pals Vol.5 Magazine for dog lovers

194 C2 Pet Pals Vol.6 Magazine for dog lovers

195 C3 Occult Fan I World's Mysteries Magazine Scoop Issue

196 C4 Occult Fan II World's Mysteries Magazine Photo Issue

197 C5 Occult Fan III World's Mysteries Magazine Magic Issue

198 C6 Occult Fan IV World's Mysteries Magazine Report Issue

Dec. Hex 魔法 描述

1 01 Fire Fire magic damage/one enemy

2 02 Fira Fire magic damage/one enemy

3 03 Firaga Fire magic damage/one enemy

4 04 Blizzard Ice magic damage/one enemy

5 05 Blizzara Ice magic damage/one enemy

6 06 Blizzaga Ice magic damage/one enemy

7 07 Thunder Thunder magic damage/one enemy

8 08 Thundara Thunder magic damage/one enemy

9 09 Thundaga Thunder magic damage/one enemy

10 0A Water Water magic damage/one enemy

11 0B Aero Wind magic damage/one enemy

12 0C Bio Poison damage + status change/one enemy

13 0D Demi Magic to reduce one enemy’s HP by 1/4

14 0E Holy Holy magic damage/one enemy

15 0F Flare Non-elemental magic damage/one enemy

16 10 Meteor Non-elemental magic damage/all enemies

17 11 Quake Earth magic damage/all enemies

18 12 Tornado Wind magic damage/all enemies

19 13 Ultima Non-elemental magic damage/all enemies

20 14 Apocalypse Non-elemental magic damage/all enemies

21 15 Cure Restores HP

22 16 Cura Restores HP

23 17 Curaga Restores HP

24 18 Life Revive from KO

25 19 Full-life Restore HP fully, revive from KO

26 1A Regen Restore HP at regular interval

27 1B Esuna Remove abnormal status

28 1C Dispel Remove magic effect

29 1D Protect Reduce physical damage temporarily

30 1E Shell Reduce magic damage temporarily

31 1F Reflect Reflect magic temporarily

32 20 Aura Able to use Limit Break more often

33 21 Double Use magic successively

34 22 Triple Able to use magic 3 times

35 23 Haste Increases speed temporarily

36 24 Slow Reduces speed temporarily

37 25 Stop Stops temporarily

38 26 Blind Cause Darkness

39 27 Confuse Cause Confuse

40 28 Sleep Cause Sleep

41 29 Silence Cause Silence

42 2A Break Cause Petrify

43 2B Death Cause Death

44 2C Drain Absorb HP

45 2D Pain Cause Poison, Darkness, and Silence

46 2E Berserk Cause Berserk

47 2F Float Floats

48 30 Zombie Cause Zombie

49 31 Meltdown Non-elemental damage + make enemy Vit 0

50 32 Scan Scan enemy’s HP and weakness

*51 33 Full-cure Restores HP and abnormal status to all

*52 34 Wall Shell and Protect on all party members

*53 35 Rapture Removes enemy

*54 36 Percent Put enemies near death

*55 37 Catastrophe Major damage to all enemies

*56 38 The End Defeats all enemies

* These spells disappear whenever the spell list is sorted automatically.

魔法道具修改篇 (用G.M来修改) (by ckw)


道具栏第一位址∶01CFE884 (每下一个+2,以此类推)←道具种类(代号如下)

数量位址∶01CFE885 (每下一个+2,以此类推)←道具数量



01 Potion

02 Potion+

03 Hi-Potion

04 Hi-Potion+

05 X-Potion

06 Mega-Potion

07 Phoenix Down

08 Mega Phoenix

09 Elixir

10 Mega Elixir


11 Antidote

12 Soft

13 Eye Drogs

14 Echo Screen

15 Holy Water

16 Remedy

17 Remedy+


18 Hero-trial

19 Hero

20 Holy War-trial

21 Holy War

22 Shell Stone

23 Protect Stone

24 Aura Stone

25 Death Stone

26 Holy Stone

27 Flare Stone

28 Meteor Stone

29 Ultime Stone

30 Gysahl Greens

31 Phoenix Pinion

32 Friendship

33 Tent

34 Pet House

35 Cottage


36 G-Potion

37 G-Hi-Potion

38 G-Mega-Potion

39 G-Returner


40 Rename Card

41 Amnesia Greens

42 Hp-J Scroll

43 Str-J Scroll

44 Vit-J Scroll

45 Mag-J Scroll

46 Spr-J Scroll

47 Spd-J Scroll

48 Luck-J Scroll

49 Aegis Amulet

50 Elem Atk

51 Elem Guard

52 Status Atk

53 Status Guard

54 Rosetta Stone

55 Magic Scroll

56 GF Scroll

57 Draw Scroll

58 Item Scroll

59 Gambler Spirit

60 Healing Ring

61 Pheonix Spirit

62 Med Kit

63 Bomb Spirit

64 Hungry Cookpot

65 Mog's Amulet

66 Steel Pipe

67 Star Fragment

68 Energy Crystal

69 Samantha Soul

70 Healing Mail

71 Silver Mail

72 Gold Armor

73 Diamond Armor

74 Rengen Ring

75 Giant's Ring

76 Gaea's Ring

77 Strength Love

78 Power Wrist

79 Hyper Wrist

80 Turtle Shell

81 Orihalcon

82 Adamantine

83 Rune Armlet

84 Force Armlet

85 Magic Armlet

86 Circlet

87 Hypno Crown

88 Royal Crown

89 Jet Engine

90 Rocket Engine

91 Moon Curtain

92 Steel Curtain

93 Glow Curtain

94 Accelerator

95 Monk's Code

96 Knight's Code

97 Doc's Code

98 Hundred Needles

99 Three Stars

100 Ribbon


101 Normal Smmo

102 Shotgun Ammo

103 Dark Ammo

104 Fire Ammo

105 Demolition Ammo

106 Fast Ammo

107 AP Ammo

108 Pulse Ammo


109 M-Stone Piece

110 Magic Stone

111 Wizard Stone

112 Ochu Tentacle

113 Healing Water

114 Cockatrice Pinion

115 Zombie Powder

116 Lightweight

117 Sharp Spike

118 Screw

119 Saw Blade

120 Mesmerize Blade

121 Vampire Fang

122 Fury Fragment

123 Betrayal Sword

124 Sleep Powder

125 Life Ring

126 Dragon Fang


127 Spider Web

128 Coral Fragment

129 Curse Spike

130 Black Hole

131 Water Crystal

132 Missile

133 Mystery Fluid

134 Running Fire

135 Inferno Fang

136 Malboro Fantacle

137 Whisper

138 Laser Cannon

139 Barrier

140 Power Generator

141 Dark Matter


142 Bomb Generator

143 Red Fang

144 Arctic Wind

145 North Wind

146 Dynamo Stone

147 Shear Feather

148 Venom Fang

149 Steel Orb

150 Moon Stone

151 Kino Bone

152 Windmill

153 Dragon Skin

154 Fish Fin

155 Dragon Fin

156 Silence Powder

157 Poison Powder

158 Dead Spirit

159 Chef's Knife

160 Caetus Thorn

161 Snaman Stone


162 Fuel

163 Girl Next Door

164 Sorceress Letter


165 Chocobo's Tag

166 Pet Nametag

167 Solomon Ring

168 Magical Lamp


169 HP Up

170 Str Up

171 Vit Up

172 Mag Up

173 Spr Up

174 Spd Up

175 Luck Up

176 LuvLuv G


177 Weapons Mon 1st

178 Weapons Mon Mar

179 Weapons Mon Apr

180 Weapons Mon May

181 Weapons Mon Jun

182 Weapons Mon Jul

183 Weapons Mon Aug

184 Combat King 001

185 Combat King 002

186 Combat King 003

187 Combat King 004

188 Combat King 005

189 Pet Pals Vol.1

190 Pet Pals Vol.2

191 Pet Pals Vol.3

192 Pet Pals Vol.4

193 Pet Pals Vol.5

194 Pet Pals Vol.6

195 Occult Fan I

196 Occult Fan II

197 Occult Fan III

198 Occult Fan IV


魔法修改∶(每人携带魔法只有32种,别修改超过罗 ^_^)

Quistis∶01CFE3A8 (每下一个+2,以此类推)←魔法种类

01CFE3A9 (每下一个+2,以此类推)←魔法个数

Zell∶01CFE278 (每下一个+2,以此类推)←魔法种类

01CFE279 (每下一个+2,以此类推)←魔法个数

Squall∶01CFE1E0 (每下一个+2,以此类推)←魔法种类

01CFE1E1 (每下一个+2,以此类推)←魔法个数

Selphie∶01CFE4D8 (每下一个+2,以此类推)←魔法种类

01CFE4D9 (每下一个+2,以此类推)←魔法个数

Irvine∶01CFE310 (每下一个+2,以此类推)←魔法种类

01CFE311 (每下一个+2,以此类推)←魔法个数

Rinoa∶01CFE440 (每下一个+2,以此类推)←魔法种类

01CFE441 (每下一个+2,以此类推)←魔法个数


01 Fire

02 Fira

03 Firaga

04 Blizzard

05 Blizzara

06 Blizzaga

07 Thunder

08 Thundara

09 Thundaga

10 Water

11 Aero

12 Bio

13 Demi

14 Holy

15 Flare

16 Meteor

17 Quake

18 Tornado

19 Ultima

20 Aapocalypse

21 Cure

22 Cura

23 Curaga

24 Life

25 Full-Life

26 Regen

27 Esuna

28 Dispel

29 Protect

30 Shell

31 Reflect

32 Aura

33 Double

34 Triple

35 Haste

36 Slow

37 Stop

38 Blind

39 Confuse

40 Sleep

41 Slience

42 Break

43 Death

44 Drain

45 Pain

46 Berserk

47 Float

48 Zomble

49 Meltdown

50 Scan


原文地址:http://www.18pk.com/web/wen-249660.html 转载请在文首保留此行。
